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ObjectName STRING(40) - Object Name

DescriptionAbstract STRING(255) - Description / Abstract of the object

AccessionNumber STRING(20) - Organization's code for the acquisition

AlternateID STRING(20) - Other code or number for this object

CategoryName STRING(30) - Category Name

Source STRING(40) - The source of the object

SourceDescription STRING(30) - Source Category Description

AccessionDate STRING(20) - Date the object acquired

CreditAcknowledgement STRING(40) - Credit for helping acquire object

LocationName STRING(30) - Location or container

ObjectDate STRING(30) - Approx Date of the object

Title STRING(50) - Oral History Title

SubTitle STRING(50) - Oral History SubTitle

Narrator STRING(50) - Person giving the oral history

Interviewer STRING(50) - Person interviewing the narrator

InterviewLocation STRING(50) - Where the recording was made

InterviewDuration STRING(30) - Total elapsed time for the interview

RecordingMedia STRING(30) - RecordingMedia

RecordingQuality STRING(30) - Quality of the recording

DonorReleaseDate STRING(20) - Date on the signed oral history release

TranscriptionDate STRING(20) - When the oral history was transcribed

Transcriber STRING(50) - Person who transcribed the interview

Notes STRING(1000) - Notes about the Oral History

Keyword STRING(30) - Keyword for the object



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