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The Object's Appraisal page gives you the ability to record and view an unlimited number of Appraisals for this Object.


Here is the browse list box:


Object Appraisal browse


and here is the related form:


Object Appraisal form


Appraisal Date - enter a valid date - Required - the button to the left of the entry box will open up a calendar look-up

Appraisal Valuation - enter the amount of the valuation, if any. The premium edition now has a report which uses the most recent appraisal value.

Appraiser - a maximum of 30 characters - Person performing the appraisal


Notes - a maximum of 1,000 characters - Appraisal details




Click on the Valuation button to call up a form to allow you to do some basic accounting for the Object:


Valuation button


This button will open the following form:


Valuation form


Use this form to record information about the costs associated with acquiring the Object.


Estimated price - amount estimated prior to purchase


Paid price - amount paid


Restoration costs - amount paid to repair and restore the Object


Transportation costs - amount paid for delivery


Misc costs - other acquisition costs


Details - notes about the acquisition


Future worth - estimate of appreciated value


This basic accounting information is strictly optional. It will appear on the appraisal/insurance report. That report will also automatically create a CSV file for use in a spreadsheet application.