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ObjectName STRING(40) - Object Name

DescriptionAbstract STRING(255) - Description / Abstract of the object

AccessionNumber STRING(20) - Organization's code for the acquisition

AlternateID STRING(20) - Other code or number for this object

CategoryName STRING(30) - Category Name

Source STRING(40) - The source of the object

SourceDescription STRING(30) - Source Category Description

AccessionDate STRING(20) - Date the object acquired

CreditAcknowledgement STRING(40) - Credit for helping acquire object

LocationName STRING(30) - Location or container

ObjectDate STRING(30) - Approx Date of the object

Title STRING(50) - Nature Object's Title

Description STRING(1000) - Nature Object's description

Collector STRING(50) - Person who collected the object

ApproxCollectionDate STRING(20) - Collection Date

IdentifiedBy STRING(50) - Person who identified the object

ApproxIdentificationDate STRING(20) - Identification Date

PreservedBy STRING(50) - Person who preserved the object

ApproxPreservDate STRING(20) - Preservation Date

Height DECIMAL(11,2) - Height

Length DECIMAL(11,2) - Length

Width DECIMAL(11,2) - Width

Depth DECIMAL(11,2) - Depth

Diameter DECIMAL(11,2) - Diameter

Circumference DECIMAL(11,2) - Circumference

Weight DECIMAL(11,2) - Weight

UoM STRING(20) - Unit of Measure

DimensionDetails STRING(1000) - Dimension details

Quantity DECIMAL(7) - Quantity

Kingdom STRING(30) - Kingdom

PhylumDivision STRING(30) - Phylum / Division

Class STRING(30) - Class

Order STRING(30) - Order

Family STRING(30) - Family

Genus STRING(30) - Genus

Species STRING(30) - Species

TaxonomyNotes STRING(1000) - Taxonomy notes

SpecimenGender STRING(30) - Specimen gender

SpecimenAge STRING(30) - Specimen Age

Eon STRING(30) -

Era STRING(30) -

Period STRING(30) -

Epoch STRING(30) -

Age STRING(30) -

DatingMethod STRING(50) - Method used to date the object

Site STRING(50) - Site where the object was found

SiteDetails STRING(1000) - Details about the site

Keyword STRING(30) - Keyword for the object



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