Museum Archive software - Help



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There are two editions of the software. Both editions are free, but the Premium edition is only available to those who purchase the accompanying book. Sales of the book provide me with the resources I need to devote more time to this project, and the added functionality included in the Premium edition is my way of thanking you for helping to make this project possible.


Version features


This help file contains information about both editions. Users of the basic edition will find everything they need to know in these pages, but certain features explained in this document will not be available in their installed software. The Premium edition's features are clearly labeled.


The data files are identical in each edition, so you can easily upgrade from the basic edition to the Premium edition at any time. Both editions are free of time limits, ads, spyware, or any other annoying or harmful behavior. The default installation places everything in a single folder, the software does not write to your system registry, and it comes with an un-install program. I wanted to keep the footprint of the software as small and as clean as possible; if you don't find it useful, just remove it from your system.