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The installation program sets up the application for you. For a single computer, you can accept the defaults for each prompt during the installation and then begin using the software. There is an un-install option, so you can remove the application from your computer at any time. Network users should read the following section prior to installing the software.


The software runs on the Windows operating system (Win98 through Vista).


It requires a minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768.


The installation program and the application that it installs are both digitally signed. To quote from the Microsoft TechNet web site:


Digitally Signed Software

Software that is downloaded from the Internet to users' computers can contain programs such as viruses and Trojan horses that are designed to cause malicious damage or provide clandestine network access to intruders. As networks become more interconnected, malicious software and viruses also become a threat to intranets. To help counter this growing threat, you can digitally sign the software that you distribute on your intranets or the Internet to ensure its integrity and to assure others that the software can be trusted. Signed software ensures that users can verify the origin of the software, as well as verify that no one has tampered with it.