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Saved Query Selection Dialog

Saved Query Selection Dialog

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Saved Query Selection Dialog

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All saved queries with the same classification are displayed on this dialog in alphabetic order. To select a query simply highlight a specific description then press the button representative with the action to be performed.




This button will select the highlighted query for use with the current operation.




This button will allow the creation of a new query.




This button will select the highlighted query for modification. Upon completion of the modification the query may be saved with a new description (as a new copy) or you may overwrite the existing query. When the query has been successfully saved it will be applied for use in the current operation.




This button will permanently delete the currently highlighted query.



AND Join / OR Join

While only available when a query is currently active in the browse, these options will create a compound query by joining the highlighted query with the currently active query. When creating a new query the Compound Query Dialog will prompt the user for the same options.