Museum Archive software - Help

Getting Started

Getting Started

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Getting Started

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Getting Started

The application comes with some sample data. Play around with the various procedures, get to know how the program works, and then delete the sample data before building your support structure and before entering your actual information into the system.




1. Explore the browse list box - form interface model. See how you can quickly find your way around the data using Locators and changing sort orders and queries. Print a few reports - everything is previewed to the screen in order to save paper.


2. Think about the categories you will create to organize your data. How will you designate locations? Can you customize the status codes to help you on a daily basis?


3. Delete the sample data. This procedure erases the Objects that came as a part of the installation. It doesn't delete any of the supporting information - you can do this easily after the sample Objects are gone.


4. Create your categories, conditions, locations, and other supporting information.


5. Start entering Objects.