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Query Wizard - Query Review

Query Wizard - Query Review

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Query Wizard - Query Review

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The Query Wizard review dialog allows the developer to review, modify or delete from the existing query. Query elements (each question) may be manipulated by first highlighting the desired element then pressing the respective button to perform the desired action.


To create a query with more than one question within the same query (compound query), simply press the AND or the OR button. This will guide the user to step one of the Query Wizard. Upon completing the three wizard steps, a new sentence will appear in the review list as illustrated above. When formulating a compound query, please ensure that you do not mix an AND with an OR. In other words use all ANDs or all ORs but never an AND and OR together in the same query. To use mixed logic such as this you will need to use the advanced Manual operation.


When the query is satisfactorily completed, press the finish button to apply the newly formulated query.