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The Powerhouse Museum in Sydney, Australia has allowed me to include their collection's Thesaurus in the Museum Archive software package. The thesaurus contains thousands of terms and is a good basis for a controlled vocabulary. The browse list has three tabs and has the usual ability to sort by clicking on the column headers and to jump to a location in the list by typing a letter.


The PHM thesaurus terms tab (sorted alphabetically):


PHM pick list


The PHM keywords tab (sorted alphabetically):


PHM keywords



The PHM related terms tab - showing the relationship between the terms (sorted alphabetically):


PHM related terms


You can use a PHM term in any field by double-clicking on the term and then pasting it from the clipboard into the field (using ctrl-V).


On the Object form, you can select the PHM term and add it to the Object's description field by clicking on the T button (the N button gives you the same access to your Nomenclature phrase list):


Object form T button