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Viewer Hot Keys

Viewer Hot Keys

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Viewer Hot Keys

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Zooming &



Left Mouse   Zoom IN

Right Mouse  Zoom OUT

Gray +       Zoom IN

Gray -       Zoom OUT


Up Arrow     Scroll toward top of page

Down Arrow   Scroll toward bottom of page

Left Arrow   Scroll toward left side of page

Right Arrow  Scroll toward right side of page




during report viewing:


HOME or Ctrl+PgUp  First page (or group)

PgUp               Previous page (or group)

PgDn               Next page (or group)

END or Ctrl+PgDn   Last page (or group)

G                 GO TO page by number




searches within your report:


F         Set text search options

F3        Find next occurrence

Shift+F3  Find previous occurrence




marking for processing:


R         Mark a range of pages

U         Unmark all pages

A         Mark all pages

Spacebar  Mark/Unmark current page




Delete will delete the current page.


Please note that this cannot be undone. Once a page is deleted it cannot be retrieved.




V opens the viewer setup window.


Page Size


during single page view to resize pages within the viewer frame:


W  Fit page into width of viewer

H  Fit page into height of viewer




to change page views:


1  single page view

2  2 thumbnails, again for single page view

4  4 thumbnails, again for single page view

6  6 thumbnails, again for single page view

T  toggle between all optional views




Enter will open the report output window.




Esc will close the report and exit.