Museum Archive software - Help



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You find your way around the Museum Archive software package by using the menu. A few functions are located across the top of the application's main window:


Top menu


The Runtime File Manager and the User Password Manager are discussed elsewhere in this document.


The application's Main Menu is located on the left hand side of the main window. It is divided into logical sections:


Main Archive

Supporting Information



Data Operations



Main archive menu


The side menu's sections slide up and down when you click on the section header to reveal the menu choices within that section. For example, the Main Archive section has three menu choices: Introduction, Features, and Objects in the archive. This last choice is the heart of the database, and you'll be spending a lot of your time working with that procedure.


Here are some pictures of the other menu sections:


Support menuSearch menuReport menuData menuAbout menu


As you can see, the menu sections open and close as you click on the menu headers. This same menu style can be found in other products that you might be familiar with, including Microsoft Outlook 2003.


Each of these menu sections is covered in a separate part of this document:


Supporting Information



Data Operations


The About menu choice is where you can go to see the version number and release date of the application:

